My Girl Group helps empower girls to achieve social and emotional self-sufficiency. Through weekly virtual sessions, the girls will learn skills to help them communicate their feelings effectively, positively support one another, and become more confident and self-aware.

MGG 101

Our introductory group gives the girls a foundation of self discovery and self love.

Week 1: Welcome to My Girl

- Check-in and review objectives of the group

- Affirmations to promote positive self image

Week 2: Self Love vs Selfie Love 

-Building Self Esteem in a Social Media Era

-Creating Positive Body Image

- Being perfectly fine with your imperfections 

Week 3: Beyond the Emoji 

-Understanding your Emotions

- Communicating How You Feel

-Develop and Apply Coping Skills 

Week 4: BFF Basics

-Identify Healthy & Unhealthy Friendships

- How to Be a Friend 

-Setting and Understanding Boundaries 

Week 5: It's OK to Ask for Help/ Wrap Up

-It’s Okay to Not be Okay

- Develop the Courage to Ask for Help

-Learn how to Receive Help

Join the Group!

In My Zone

In My Zone is where we get in our feels. Knowing where you are emotionally can help you identify when you need to manage your feelings and how to do so.

Week 1: The Blue Zone (Meh 😑)
- Check-in & Review group objectives
- What are the Zones of Regulation
-How to communicate your feelings
- Identify emotions and feelings in the Blue Zone and learn coping strategies

Week 2: The Green Zone (Yasss 😄)
- Check-in & Review Blue Zone feelings
- Identify emotions and feelings in the Green Zone -Learn how to Protect Your Peace

Week 3: The Yellow Zone (Ugh 🙄)
- Check-in & Review Blue and Green Zone feelings
- Identify emotions and feelings in the Yellow Zone
- Develop and apply coping strategies

Week 4: The Red Zone (DND 😠)

- Check-in & Review Blue, Green, & Yellow Zone feelings
- Identify emotions and feelings in the Red Zone
- Explore appropriate and expeditious coping skills
⁃ Last line of defense (who can I go to)
⁃ Wrap up

Join the Group!

Individual Sessions

For privacy, scheduling or if you’d prefer a more attentive approach, our individual sessions can be tailored to your needs.
- Free Consultation with parents
- Five weekly individual counseling sessions covering topics such as
anxiety, depression, behavioral challenges, interpersonal issues, etc.

Sign Me Up!

Sponsor a Girl

My Girl Group aims to provide a safe and supportive space for girls to discuss and navigate various challenges they may encounter in their lives. Through group and individual discussions, activities, participants gain valuable skills, coping mechanisms, and emotional support.

Your sponsorship would directly contribute to covering the costs associated with the girl's participation, including session fees, materials, and resources. Your generosity would make a significant
difference in the life of a young girl, providing her with the tools and support she needs to thrive.


MGG Scholarship Form